We've now folded news & updates in with the blog posts category to simplify things a bit. For archival purposes, here are the previous site updates.
We've updated our website gallery with a most of Eagle Barber's event posters and a selection of our custom video content along with our About section. Additionally, we've also added a new Cinematic Void blog where we'll be breaking down the nuts and bolts of this endeavor. More content coming soon.
Welcome to Cinematic Void online. This endeavor has been several years in the making and we're happy to finally be able to launch this site. We're currently in the process of adding past event flyers and photos along with some of our videos we'll be adding some new website exclusive content as well.
So consider this a work in-progress, but over the next several weeks we'll adding lots of content and maybe a few surprises. Until then, happy web surfing and thanks for visiting the VOID.